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Which High Friction Surfacing product is the right one for me?

We are frequently asked by customers which type of High Friction Surfacing (HFS) product is right for them. There really is no ‘right’ answer to this question, however environmental factors, location and customer preference can help inform the best decision. We offer three options when it comes to HFS:

Keygrip Epoxy Resin Type 1 – This is a cold, hand applied HFS treatment with a low curing time. This is suitable for highway application and is extremely hard wearing due to the high PSV in the calcined bauxite used in the product. It can also be ideal for remote sites due to the cold poured application. Recent jobs have included parks, bridges, footpaths and car park ramps. The product can also be pigmented to most colours so is ideal when used as a traffic calming measure.

Keygrip Thermoplastic Type 1 – Our thermoplastic system is a hot applied thermoplastic resin based product mixed using either Chinese, Indian or Guyanan bauxite. Given the hot applied nature of the product it can be laid at low temperatures (as low as 0 degrees centigrade). It can also be pigmented in most colours for traffic calming purposes.

Methyl Methcrylate (MMA) – Our MMA product uses methyl methcrylate combined with calcined bauxite to provide a cold applied HFS product with an extremely quick drying time. MMA can also be pigmented to be used in traffic calming.

You can find the specifications for our products HERE.

If you would like to discuss your requirements please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01909 722662 or email on

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